1.   Also, parents should consider using the resources of the school system whenever possible.

2.   Consider using an electric toothbrush, which removes plaque more effectively than a traditional one.

3.   Consider using different ways of financing a purchase.

4.   As a matter of good practice, local authorities should consider using this power as an alternative to removing the child under an emergency protection order.

5.   And rather than using iron bolts, future restorers should consider using inert materials that will not contribute to the problem.

6.   And, the US Soccer Federation is considering using Foxboro for a World Cup qualifying match.

7.   And you might consider using miles for benefits you might otherwise regard as extravagances, such as first class or even a ride on the Concorde.

8.   Anybody on a cable modem or with DSL ought to consider using some sort of firewall.

9.   Because processed foods usually have a high salt content, consider using low-sodium versions when they are available.

10.   Before you run out and dump Diazinon all over the yard, consider using an organic alternative.

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